Bleach Character Drama


brief, text only, and stupid but NSFW nonetheless

Alright, this time the story wasn’t all my fault! Here’s a vintage Bad RPer story, but not as old as some of my other ones. TW for mentions of (fake) suicide and thirst/recounting crappy sex RP.

A little context, though I’m sure similar things happen now. There was lots of drama on the internet during this era and because it was a little more anonymous back then, a lot of it culminated in someone ‘dying’ OOC. Usually it was via suicide, where an alt (who was usually masquerading as a totally separate character or fake significant other/friend that only existed to prop the main one up) would deliver the grave news. Sometimes they would pop back up to announce it had all been a big misunderstanding. When I was on forums, the liars/alts were pretty quickly discovered via IP, but the most egregious example I remember was on Facebook (lol).

I'm not proud of the fact I used to Facebook roleplay, but an in-person friend got into it when we were around 15 and unbeknownst to her, I’d already been doing it for years. I normally RP'd OCs and almost exclusively with other OCs before my behavior devolved into trolling as detailed in other posts--so I wasn't directly involved in this story until later on, but said friend was.

So, there was this one girl who RP'd as Aizen from Bleach (lol) and I'm guessing that character is rather central to the show because the Bleach roleplayers kind of revolved around her. My friend was one of them and apparently really wanted her character and this Aizen dude to hook up but Aizen-RPer just kind of wanted to get attention from all the thirsty community members so really just ERP'd with everyone, all without changing her character's Facebook status relationship gasp. Only one shining example of not-thirst stood out; an RPer who played as some side character, very marginal. I want to say she was named Loli but I'm not going to Google that for obvious reason. No, Loli was hot for some OTHER Bleach character who I think was an OC (just looked like an edgelord, color inverted version of the main guy). But it turns out his player was some like, 15 year old who was gay IRL and wasn't very interested in 'Loli'. However, after weeks of persistence they became 'Facebook official' only to break up a few days later.

Aizen-chan would often post OOC that Loli's RPer was going through a tough time and that she frequently stayed up all night comforting her and asked all the Bleach RPers to please leave her alone in this trying time. Maybe a day later Aizen brought us the solemn news that Loli was in the hospital and they just so happened to live near one another and she went to visit her on a daily basis. Days, maybe weeks of updates passed with Loli's condition dipping and improving depending on what garnered the most drama but when that well ran dry, Aizen then informed us that Loli had died off 'Broken Heart Syndrome'. Not only this, but Aizen-chan saw fit to blame OC-kid all but directly, thus turning the formidable Facebook Bleach Roleplaying Community against him.

My friend in particular was distressed over all of this. In the past, her character (male, idr who--he was short with black hair and an incomprehensible name) had been in a relationship with another IRL friend's character (the guy with the teeth). Guy-friend was straight but crazy about my friend so engaged in fictional homolust with her via their characters whenever she'd let him--but Guy-friend eventually succumbed to his straight depravity and 'cheated' on friend's character with Loli. Like, right on their Facebook wall--I remember 'Loli' squishing her boobs together and asking Teeth guy if he approved; and also Teeth Guy telling Loli she felt so much better than '[friend's character]'s butt'. LOL.

Friend used obvious meta knowledge to 'break up' with Guy-friend (in a huge scene where friend outed Teeth Guy as the bottom in their relationship since my friend would only play tops) and apparently the backlash over this was the secondary reason for Loli's fatal Broken Heart Syndrome. So my friend was ridden with guilt. Me, the grizzled internet RP veteran assured her this was all bullshit and that Aizen-chan was lying but my friend wasn't so sure.

So I told OC-guy to message Loli's account saying how he realized he loved her and that if she were back alive he'd marry her, etc. and she took the bait. Suddenly, Loli had been alive this whole time and Aizen-chan was indeed the one who faked her death online by 'hacking' her FB by changing the password while she lie dying in the hospital. The gullible ass community turned on Aizen-chan except for my thirsty friend who defended her tooth and nail. They became close and exchanged IRL phone numbers but their characters never hooked up much to my friend's chagrin.

Finally, Aizen-chan accidentally posted a status meant for her main character to Loli's account and for some reason that's what convinced everyone.
