Vampire Jack
Let's get one thing out of the way: Vampire Jack is real, and I saw him, and he bit my car. I don't want to dox myself so I can't tell you where I live but I can 100% promise you that everyone who lives here knows of this guy and have also seen him. The only people who have never seen Vampire Jack are dumb little kids who can't drive yet. And also maybe dumb adults who can't drive (yet?). There might be other reasons too but those are the only ones I can think of.

Anyway, Vampire Jack is presumably a vampire, but no one knows for sure. He looks like a vampire, and he's only spotted at night. He hitchhikes on whatever the creepiest stretch of road he can find is and if you pass him by without giving him a ride, he bites your car and drains the gasoline. It's actually really gross and it's a huge inconvenience because then you have to call roadside assistance, but by the time they get there, Jack is long gone. It's pissed everyone here off for like 200 years but there's nothing we can do. He's so slippery (probably from all the gasoline).
I actually did give him a ride once, and he smells like gasoline. My car smelled for weeks. But I don't think he actually wanted me to give him a ride, he seemed really taken aback. When he got in, I asked him where he wanted to go and he just grumbled and pointed to the gas station down the road. I asked if I could take a selfie with him and he got out of the car, and then I tried taking pictures anyway and he hissed and ran into the wilds. I still snapped a few shots but he didn't show up in any of them so I don't know why he was being such a tool. He doesn't hitchhike at me any more but once I got stuck at the light on Falls road for like five minutes and he ran out into the road, picked my car up, and shook it a few times which really freaked everyone out. Thankfully my car works but it's dented on either side now thanks to that prick.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. The first time I saw Vampire Jack, I was driving by myself - there were actually a bunch of cars on the road but they all started passing me. Everyone here drives like ass so I wasn't that concerned but I realize now that's about the only way to get past Vampire Jack with an intact gas tank (without having a weird confrontation with him that he won't want to repeat) but I'd just moved here. I saw his freaky ass standing out there with his thumb out. His glasses are really shiny and he wears a big hat and he grins like an asshole, other than that he's a pretty normal looking old guy. The rest of his outfit doesn't match the hair and glasses either, he looks like a weirdo and I don't care if he reads this. Of course, I passed by him because no way - but then the guy's running after my car. I'm not that worried but I speed up anyway, and he speeds up too until he's running like 50 mph. Before I could freak out though I feel this impact and then the needle on my gas quickly drops to E and I had to roll off the side of the road. I think I'm dead meat but the guy is already running away, giggling like a stupid asshole who smells like gasoline.

This isn't the street I saw him on, it's just the vibe.
The roadside assistant guy knew exactly what had happened but he just kinda shrugged and told me to be faster next time. Thankfully the incident above was only the second time I saw him but by then I'd heard some stories and no one could answer what happens if you give him a ride. I worked third shift back then so i would see him a lot but when I'd pass by him after that he'd just put his thumb down and frown and if I tried stopping for him anyway, he'd turn into a flaming bat and fly away. I'm still pretty pissed about the dents on my car but no insurance will let you get Vampire Jack coverage even though we all know he's real.
I don't work third shift anymore but I still see his stupid ass like this from time to time. I think sometimes he hides in the bushes and just barely holds out his thumb so he can act like someone passed him by when they didn't even get the chance to see him. When I get a new car and he doesn't know it's me for a second, I think I'm going to stop and ambush him and try to get him to compensate me for the damages to me (by then) old car. He's probably broke, though, otherwise he could just go to the gasp station and drink straight from the pump.

Vampire Jack, if you're reading this you're a stupid asshole and I hate you.