
Nephel Tanaka


Originally a Castlevania OC, she's become a more general fantasy use. In her current lore (which evolved in large part from a tabletop campaign I played her in), she's used to be a badass evil sorceress who was defeated by a typical heroic fantasy party but due to the efforts of a particuarly devout follower, was in part preserved and able to be resurrected ages later. Unfortunately, there wasn't much left of her original body so she was brought back as a humble ten year old...but she doesn't know the humble part. She's a blast to play, but while she's entirely reformed from her villainous ways, she's been described as cross between Hilda from A Link Between Worlds and Angelica from Rugrats.

The Tanaka Clan

The Tanakas are essentially a militant and cultish ninja clan who have devoted themselves to exterminating all manner of supernatural menaces. The head of the serpent, so to speak, is Ryuuji Tanaka who is also the patriarch of a prominent, respectable local family. He treats his progeny - and truly, everyone in his path - like pawns (assets if they're lucky) and no one is even certain how old this mysterious figure is aside from 'very'. However, the Tanaka clan members I like to play are...not him.

Junpei Tanaka

The most promising of the current generation in combat, Junpei originally believed his father to be a deserter of the clan and occupies a place of shame in the family as a result, despite his prowess. He is rebellious and callous, marked by a curse his father laid on him to prevent him from abandoning the clan. However, when he learns his father (and the one who put the curse on him) is none other than Ryuuji (whom he previously believed to be his great grandfather) things...take a turn.

By day, Junpei is almost your typical, punkish teenage guy - but he's not above participating in his family's booth at the farmer's market (even if he's gotten in a fight or two there). Despite seeming snarky and sometimes even surly, he has a sense of humor and is especially reliable. Though the scourge of his family as far as the elders are concerned, he's known for his hunting prowess (natural and supernatural) and despite his clan's rigid gender roles, is protective of the clan's children and is a pretty good cook.

Nadeshiko Tanaka

A talented priestess who struggles against the confines of her role in the clan, albeit silently due to a sense of honor. An incredible exorcist and a respectable fighter in her own right, she's still stifled by the traditional gender roles of her clan. Having seen what would become of the region without the protection of the clan, she is willing to carry out her duties to her family, though she is, at her core...incompatible with the path they intend for her. And by incompatible...haha, well let's justr say.


She and Junpei both stepped outside of their clans appointed roles, despite excelling at them, and in exchange for teaching him exorcisms and rituals he normally wouldn't have learned, he taught her various martial abilities and the two are more rounded out and even better in their respective specialties for it; getting both a taste of teacher and student perspectives. They are the only members of the clan within their age bracket at 19.
